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About Women of
Worth (WOW)

Let me tell you this…God can birth out brokenness, Beloved. 

Women of Worth, Inc. was born from my journey of brokenness, empowering women to debunk unworthiness, deepen their faith, and step boldly into their God-given purpose. Your worth is not earned; it’s divinely gifted, and with God as your guide, you are destined to live a life of purpose and power.

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Walking in Worthiness

Embrace His Promises and Step Confidently into Your God-Given Purpose

At the intersection of God's unwavering love and His faithful promises, there lies a path of hope and assurance. As we bask in the radiance of His love, we're reminded that every promise spoken over our lives is already in motion, destined to be fulfilled. 


My prayer is we invite you to accept moments when you get to choose to release the grip of fear and doubt, and instead, BOLDLY embrace the certainty of His love. 


May you see yourself in this this journey of faith as we declare our trust in His promises and let His love guide us forward. 


Are you ready to walk confidently in the assurance of His promises today?

MIDDLE STRIP MESSAGE - God Calls You Worthy Love


And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman.” | Ruth‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Meet the Founder

Shakira Hemphill

Hey Love! I’m Shakira Hemphill, your Purpose + Connection Coach and founder of Women of Worth (WOW), Inc. In my brokenness, God called me worthy and gave me a mission to help other women embrace their worth and purpose. Welcome to your rebirth, Worthy Sister!


Community is the heart of it all.

A Space Where God’s Purpose, Promise, and Power Connect

Community is the heart of it all.

A Space Where God’s Purpose, Promise, and Power Connect

Welcome to our sacred container, where community is cherished and celebrated as the heartbeat of our journey. Here, you'll find wants to Connect and have tangible experiences designed to awaken your purpose and foster deep, meaningful connections. Join us as we disrupt the enemy's agenda, diving fearlessly into our destinies while debunking the myths of unworthiness. Your soul is valued, God’s dreams and purpose for you are nurtured, and every heart beats in unison toward a greater purpose.

Welcome to our sacred container, where community is cherished and celebrated as the heartbeat of our journey. Here, you'll find wants to Connect and have tangible experiences designed to awaken your purpose and foster deep, meaningful connections. Join us as we disrupt the enemy's agenda, diving fearlessly into our destinies while debunking the myths of unworthiness. Your soul is valued, God’s dreams and purpose for you are nurtured, and every heart beats in unison toward a greater purpose.

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